How We Promote a Healthy Work-Life Balance

What does work-life balance mean to Golden Hippo and why is it important?

At Golden Hippo, a healthy work-life balance means being able to walk away from your computer at the end of the workday and taking time to focus on yourself and your family. This has grown increasingly important in the last few months since, for many of us, our home is now our office. Taking the time to step away and focus on ourselves makes us healthier and more productive Hippos during the workday. Also, utilizing our generous paid time off policy allows us to take the time we need to refocus on our priorities.

How does your company promote work-life balance, and has anything changed as a result of a shift to a remote-first plan?

Promoting a healthy work-life balance has always been a priority at Golden Hippo, so that hasn’t changed. Employees share their work-life balance tips in our monthly newsletters in hopes of inspiring others to do the same. In addition to this, we host internal webinars on how to manage stress, how to stay productive during an unprecedented time in history, and much more! We’ve also always offered free cross-training, spin, yoga, and meditation classes at our office gym, plus a kitchen full of fresh, organic food… All of these benefits allow us to focus on maintaining a healthy work-life balance even when we’re in the office!


Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace